Estate Planning for Blended Families

Family dynamics can be complicated, especially when a family includes children (of any age) from former relationships. And while complex families will often take careful steps to ensure that everyone is included emotionally, often times they do not extend this careful approach to their Will. If your family is a bit different from the standard […]
Writing Your Will – What’s out there and how do you choose?

You know that you need a Will but what options are out there for Wills and Estate Planning? Do you really need a lawyer? Can’t you just pick up a Will kit or write one yourself? The answer to all of these, in typical lawyer fashion, is a) it all depends on your situation, and […]
So What Actually Happens if I Don’t Have a Will?

No one can predict the future. And while we all know that we should have a Will, most don’t fully understand how Wills and Estates really work, or what issues they may protect against. While there is a wealth of information out there on Google, it can be a bit dense and unnecessarily complicated. So let’s try something […]
Dispelling Five Common Myths about Wills and Estates.

There is a lot of confusion and misinformation out there about Wills and Estates, and this post is all about challenging some of those widely held beliefs – it’s like an even nerdier version of MythBusters (sadly, I’m not going to get to do any cool slow-motion videos of chemical reactions). Don’t let false information […]
Creature Comforts: Providing for Pets in your Will

This is for those of you who buy your dogs Halloween outfits. For those of you who buy play structures for your cat that rival ancient temples. Those of you who make your pet’s food from scratch (while ordering delivery for your own dinner), because you worry about them getting just the right nutrition. But […]
Choosing an Executor for your Will

When you prepare your Will, you need to choose someone to be the Executor of your Estate. Your Executor will be in charge of carrying out the wishes you express in your Will. This person is usually someone close to you because you will want someone you trust. The truth about acting as an Executor The job of […]
New Parents: Sleepless Nights, Precious Moments, and your Will

As a new parent, you have likely found that your world (and your general outlook) has changed dramatically in a short period of time. You have also acquired an incredible amount of baby stuff: diapers; wipes; hats; socks; shoes; onesies; swaddlers; soothers; teethers; monitors; gates; baby proofing apparatus; and toys galore. While all of this is a […]